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Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom(Da zhi du lun/大智度論)

Translated by Kumārajīva/鳩摩羅什譯

The Precious Scrolls of Pure Yang(Chun yang bao juan/純暘寶卷)

Lu Dongbin/呂洞賓

The Imperative Doctrines for Human Nature and Longevity(Xing ming gui zhi/性命圭旨)


Back-Pushing Sketch(Tuibei tu/推背圖)

Yuan Tiangang/袁天罡

Merits of the Holy Year(Shengnian guangyi/聖年廣益)

Translated and narrated by Feng Bingzheng, edited by De Tianci/馮秉正譯述,德天賜編


Divination books were repeatedly banned in imperial China. They ranged in topics from mystical Confucianist fortune-telling, to yin-yang, to astrology, to the eight trigrams, such as the Back-Pushing Sketch (Tuibei tu 推背圖), the Precious Scrolls of Pure Yang (Chunyang baojüan 純陽寶卷), etc. Buddhist sutras and Daoist scriptures suffered from the same miserable fate in certain historical periods such as the Northern Wei and the Northern Zhou. Similarly, with the introduction of Western religions to China in Qing dynasty, Christian and Catholic canons were also banned for several times.

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