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The Peony Pavilion(Mu dan ting/牡丹亭)
Tang Xianzu/湯顯祖

Striking the Table in Surprise(Pai an jing qi/拍案驚奇)
Ling Mengchu/凌濛初
The History of Romance(Qingshi leilue/情史類略)
Feng Menglong/馮夢龍

The Golden Lotus(Jin ping mei/金瓶梅)
Lan ling xiao xiao sheng/蘭陵笑笑生

Precious Warnings of Flower Appreciation(Pin hua bao jian/品花寶鑑)
Chen Sen/陳森

The Dream and Fate of Plum Blossoms(Mei meng yuan/梅夢緣)
Feng yue xuan you xuan zi/風月軒又玄子
The Western Chamber(Xi xiang ji/西廂記)
Wang Shifu/王實甫
Story of the Stone with Commentary and Graphics(Zeng ping bu tu shi tou ji/增評補圖石頭記)
Cao Xueqin/曹雪芹
Obscene books portraying sextual intercourse were also banned, such as The Grand Rhapsody of the Intercourse of Heaven-Earth and Yin-yang (Tiandi yin-yang jiaohuan dayue fu 天地陰陽歡交大樂賦). Moreover, considerable amounts of fictions and dramas were banned as “pornographic literature” in Qing dynasty, such as The Golden Lotus (Jin ping mei 金瓶梅), The Peony Pavilion (Mudan ting 牡丹亭).
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